Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Watsonia RSL.
At Watsonia we welcome all to join our dedicated volunteer team and embrace the spirit.
We recognise that Volunteers play a vital role in the fundraising process for ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day. Our volunteers are a very important and essential part of Appeals. We are always looking for new volunteers to join the RSL and take part in a fun and rewarding Appeals program. All the funds raised go to our Welfare and Veterans Support scheme.
We have many different roles that our volunteers can contribute in such as preparing trays & boxes, selling badges just before ANZAC Day and selling poppies prior to Remembrance Day. We are always looking for bus drivers to transport ADF Personnel and volunteers to key locations. Sellers generally follow an in-house roster and “set up shop” at larger shopping centres, hardware stores etc. we have various locations that you can sell badges and you are also welcome to sell in and around your local area. Our Appeals Officer may require assistance to assemble, pack and deliver merchandise trays to local schools and businesses before, and then collect the proceeds and stock balances directly after our Appeals.
We welcome everyone to take part , enjoy themselves and be part of the wider RSL community.
We also have various sporting bodies and social groups that meet at the RSL , they at times need assistance selling raffle tickets at the Club on Friday and Saturday Nights. Funds raised go towards assisting sporting bodies and groups, by allowing them to purchase equipment, plan trips and outings and it encourages social connection and fun amongst the members.
If you are interested in any of the above activities or if you would like to help by volunteering, we would love to hear from.
For ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day our Volunteers are welcome to assist with our Annual Commemoration and Ceremonial Services.
Watsonia RSL has established a ceremonial service that invites local Primary, Secondary and Special schools to participate in the ANZAC service. Educating younger generations and being inclusive of our local community plays a vital role in maintaining the ongoing support of the RSL, ensuring that the efforts of all who have served and are still serving is recognised in our Community.
Veteran Support volunteers provide well-being support to veterans and their families and may undertake a number of roles including:
- Hospital & Home Visitation
- Pensions Officers
- Veteran Transport
- Veterans Support Activities
- Welfare Officers
All of veteran support roles require volunteers to undergo a National Police Check for Aged Care. Some Veterans Support roles such as Pensions Officers and Welfare Officers also require volunteers to undergo specialised accredited training to enable them to undertake their duties.
At Watsonia RSL, we fully support interested volunteers to become accredited.
Note: The online application process will take about 5 minutes
Enquiries – Please contact our Welfare Office on 94354233 or via email
Legacy is a charity providing services to Australian families suffering after the injury or death of a spouse or parent, during or after their defence force service.
Legacy is a voluntary organisation supported by veterans, servicemen and women, and volunteers drawn from all walks of life.
The Watsonia RSL Legacy Club meet on the 3rd Monday of every month.